Burned Not Broken

Enjoying the prior moments
Laughing, talking, smiling
Seconds pass…….
Aahhhhhh……. shock
Sigh, a breath, a tear
Panic floods my mind
Draining down my back
Clothes soaking
Panting around
One button, two buttons, three and four
My heart, rapidly beating through my shirts
Gasping for a breath
A piece of me hanging on
Silently praying
Lord please help me
Redness filled me if I was a red rose
On a summer day
My lungs closing from pain
Hospital visit
My eyes filled with tears
Is this a bad dream?
Wake me up
This is not happening
Exposed to a heat
That inserted itself….
Into my neck, collarbone, upper and lower back
The water pierced my skin
Unbearable pain
I cried, I Cried
I survived
I’m Alive
After all this
I’m alive
I’m burned not broken